Inspire By Dr Anh

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9Honey Interview: Dr Anh details the celeb facial treatments pre Oscars

As we scroll through the photos of all the glowy, tight-skinned and ample-lipped stars gracing the red carpet during awards season, we can’t help wondering: ‘How do you look like that? Is it Photoshop? A makeup artist with transcendent powers? All that green juice I see Gwyneth Paltrow drinking?’

Nope – it turns out it’s a lot more effort, and quite a bit more painful, than a bunch of kale and some celery stalks in a blender. And if you know what the words ‘Fraxel’, ‘Thermage’ or ‘Ultherapy’ mean, then you’re way ahead of the game.

For the rest of us who are uninitiated in the celeb facial treatments and skin routines of the rich and famous, 9Honey spoke to Dr. Anh Nguyen, a specialist plastic surgeon in Perth, to get you up to speed.

Read the full article here

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